Sunday 29 March 2015

Stuffed Crab Masala

Crabs, some love it, others hate it. Crabs cooked in numerous ways, hot and spicey, mild with butter and cheese. Today's story is about who taught me this recipe and when.
The year 1975. In the locality where I lived in Bandra (W), fisherwomen would come daily and sell their fish from door to door. The star sellers among the many was this Aunt-Niece duo, Laxmi the aunt was a dark tall lady with a toned figure, the envy of many ladies. She walked with a swing, balancing her fish basket on her head, men would turn around and give her a second look. She knew this well and she took advantage of it by selling them her fish at a premium price. This story is not about Laxmi.
That day, in the morning, I was sitting in the living room at my mother's place. Our living room faced the road so Vithya spotted me, she was Laxmi's niece, "kay ga keva alis", when did you come she asked me. I smiled and signaled her to come in. We were of the same age both in our early twenties. She looked exhausted. I offered her a glass of water. She had left her 4 month baby in the care of her mother-in-law and come to sell fish. I was 4 months pregnant and come for a visit to my Gynac. We laughed and chatted about our new married lives. She asked me if I had learnt to cook, I nodded with a smile. She wondered what I cook? "Does he like what you cook" she asked as if not sure of my cooking skills. Sensing her doubts I claimed to have cooked a hundred varities. Can you help me with the preparation of a crab dish, not the regular curry. She thought for a moment sipped some water and began her recipe.


  •  4 crabs
  • 1 large onion
  • 1/2 grated dry coconut
  • 1 tbs coriander seeds
  • 1 tsp jeera seeds
  • 1tbs fennel seeds (saunf)
  • 4 cloves
  • 1/2 inch cinamon
  •  8 black peepercorns.
  • 1tbs each ginger garlic paste
  • 8 tbs besan (gramflour)
  • A few sprigs coriander leaves
  • Red chilli powder
  • Haldi powder
  • 4 cloves of crushed garlic


  • Clean the crabs, keep the two big legs of each crab aside.
  • The small tentacles boil them in 1/2 cup water and the crush them in the mixer strain the juice keep it aside for futher use.
  • With the help of a spoon, use the handle side to open the crab from the mouth end, do not disjoint so the top remains like a lid when we cook. 
  • Clean the crab, remove the hair like fibers and any mud deposits.
  • Heat a pan wiyh 1 tbs oil, in the hot oil add the sliced onion till the onion is light brown.
  • Add the dry masalas roast for a minute and add the grated coconut roast till brown.
  • Cool and grind to a fine paste.
  • Take the besan to this, add a pinch of haldi, 1 tsp red chilli powder, salt, 1 tsp chopped coriander leaves, a little of the ground masala, 2 tsp imli paste and a little of the tentacles liquid to make a thick paste to stuff the cover.
  • Open the split crab and carefully fill the top cover with the besan stuffing and close.
  • Heat 4 tbs oil, when hot, add the crushed garlic, and the big legs stir a while add the ground masala paste.
  • Add chilli powder and pinch of  haldi, add the remaining liquid of the tentacles and enough water to form the desired gravy.
  • When it boils lower the stuffed crabs gently shell side up, cover and simmer for 10 mins .
  • Add imli paste, adjust seasoning and garnish with coriander leaves.

Vithya, Laxmi called out "havar ye". I must leave she said, have to sell fish.

Good Bye till we meet again . She took a few steps turned around and warned me "don't eat crabs when you are pregnant. I smiled . A childhood bonding between two girls living in two different communities.


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