Sunday 29 March 2015

Drumsticks with Potatoes & Nuts

In Maharashtra, fast means feasting. I say that because our food items consumed when someone is on fast is such a huge variety and a fusion of fruits and vegetables that are permitted to be consumed. TV channels air a variety and the choice is unlimited.

My mother was not a very religious person but when in trouble she would strike a deal with her Lord, that if her wishes were granted she would fast every thursday for the next five weeks. I am not sure if her wishes were always granted but I knew the food she liked to consume on those days. 

Today I have maintained her recipe with just the addition of Drumsticks because they are in season. I love them and most important I never fast.


  • 4 drumsticks
  • 3 potatoes
  • 4 tbs grated fresh coconut
  • 2 green chillies
  • 1 tbs coriander leaves
  • 1 tsp jeera
  • 3 tbs peanuts, 2 tbs cashew nuts soaked in hot water for 30 mins.

  • Grind together coconut, green chillies, jeera and coriander leaves, make a fine paste.
  • Boil potatoes and cut into small pieces.
  • Peel and cut drumsticks into 2 inch pieces.
  • Heat 2 tbs ghee in a vessel. 
  • When hot add a little whole jeera, add drumsticks, stir, add the green masala and 2 cups water cover and cook.
  • When drumsticks are cooked, add the potatoes, soaked nuts  and salt to taste. 
  • Cover and simmer for 5 mins.

The dish is now ready to eat. This dish, without drumsticks can be consumed on fasting days.


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