Saturday 14 March 2015

Meat Pie

BOMBAY TIMES - Saturday March 14, 2015

Today (Saturday, March 14, 2015) reading the above article in Bombay Times an item stares at me, "Pi-Day Celebrates An Epic Moment.At 9.26AM  today". I was attracted to this item, honestly I was attracted to the photograph beside it.the photograph of a Pie, I smiled, must share this in my blog .
I walk into the kitchen, what do I have??? 

Just a pie dish? But the recipe was in my mind. what if you don't have a pie dish? don't loose heart use any katori/small dish that is oven proof, even small katories will do as single servings.

The Dough. Ingredients.

1cup flour [maida]  a pinch of salt chilled butter 2 tbs and chilled water.
In a deep plate take the flour add salt and chilled butter and mix the butter into the flour with the use of your fingers incorporate the butter to get a crumbly mixture. Now add chilled water and make a stiff dough but smooth to roll into a circle.

The Filling:
250gms mutton mince 1 large onion, 1 large tomato made into a paste, 1 tbs ginger-garlic paste, 100 grams green peas, 1 medium capsicum, 2tbps tomato ketchup,
2 tbps Worcestershire sauce, 1 tbps soya sauce, 1 tbps red chilli sauce or 1 tsp red chilli powder, 180 ml of red wine (port wine will be better).
At this point put the oven on pre-heat at 200 degs for 10 minutes.
Heat a pan add 1 tbps butter and 1 tbps oil, when hot add the finely chopped onion and sauté till pink to this add the ginger-garlic paste, sauté for a minute, add the mince and sauté till the meat changes color. Now add chopped capsicum, peas, tomato ketchup, Worcestershire sauce, soya sauce, chilli sauce, 1 tsp pepper powder and sauté till it is half cooked. Now on high heat tilt the pan towards the flame and add the wine. As the dish catches fire put the gas on sim. The fire will douse as the alcohol burns. This process is called " FLAMBE ".
If you do not wish to use wine add half cup of water or stock. The wine does make a difference and  taste takes the dish to a different level.
When cooked, cool the mixture to a room temperature.
Butter the pie dish. Roll the dough into a circle, the diameter the size of the dish. Roll as thin as possible and with the help of your rolling pin place it in the bottom of the pie dish. Seal the rolled dough to the size of the pie dish. Pour the mince mixture into the dish. Roll another circle a little larger than the previous one and place it on top of the mixture. Seal on all sides. Beat an egg with 1 tbps milk. Apply this egg wash with a brush on top of the pie. Make a small hole with the help of a knife as a vent for the steam pass through.
Bake in oven at 220 degrees for 25 minutes or till golden brown on top.




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