Tuesday 28 April 2015

Lobster in Cheese Sauce

Lobsters is a fisher lovers' favorite. Many years ago, I was waiting at the Malvan port with my aunt to board the "Sagar Kanya" a ship that ferried  passengers from Bombay to Goa. It was a great journey on the Upper Deck and the cabins above. I have traveled in both, on two occasions. On this particular journey while I watched the ship anchored at a distance while we lined up to get into the small boats that took us to the ship. Two young fisherman were holding 2 or 3 lobsters, large ones. As a child I was delighted to see those huge lobsters, have never seen that size ever since. That meat was enough to feed the cabin class and some upper deck passengers against payment. I enjoyed the cooked lobsters and every time I decide to buy lobsters I have never been able to find that size. In Gorai fish market, last Friday, I saw these Lobsters. A pity they were so tiny that I think they were Cray Fish but whatever it is my heart remembered the Malvan incident and I bought this stuff.
On my way home I was memorising great recipes Indian Continental A Lobster Thermidore. In the Kitchen it was a different story, after cleaning I realized they were really small. Now how should I cook them.
This is what I landed up cooking.


  • 5 small lobsters.
  • 2 tbs flour (maida).
  • 2 tbsp butter.
  • 1 tsp lime juice.
  • 1/2 tsp lime rind.
  • 1 tsp freshly ground pepper.
  • 1 cup warm milk.
  • 4 tbsp grated cheese.
  • 1/2 tsp chilli flakes.
 Method :
  • With a pair of kitchen scissors I cut the outer hard shell and removed the meat.
  • In a pan heat 1 tbsp butter and 1/2 tsp olive oil and add the meat, to this add a little salt, pepper, lime juice and rind. Stir for 2 mins and remove to a baking dish.
  • Heat the same pan, add 2 tbsp butter when hot add the flour and keep stirring till the flour is cooked.
  • Now add the milk a little at a time to form a thick sauce keep stirring continuously to avoid lumps.
  • Add the grated cheese and mix well add the pepper.
  • Remove from flame and add to the cooked lobster.
  • Spread a little grated cheese on top.
  • Grill for 15 mins at 200C
Serve with Garlic Bread or Garlic Toast.


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