Tuesday 2 June 2015

Shengdana chi Amti (Peanut Curry)

Today is "Vat Pornima". Ladies in Maharashtra celebrate this by fasting for the long life of their respective husband. As the Epic story of Vata Savitri goes : Savitri had gone to the woods with her husband Satyavan a woodcutter to collect wood. Satyavan had a short life and on that day he breathed his last on Savitri's lap. Savitri was a loving wife but very adamant . When Yama came to take the body of Satyavan she would not let him take him away. Yama was kind to her and asked her to make wish . She asked for health and wealth for her parents. It was granted. But Savitri would not budge Yama again offered her to make another wish. This time she asked for the health and wealth of her in-laws. Yama granted that. She would still not let him take the body. He once again granted her another wish. This time she asked for the birth of a Son. Yama granted that too. Savitri smiled Lord you have granted me a son but how can I have one without a husband. Yama realized his mistake and left giving life to Satyavan.
From that day married ladies on this day tie a bundle of thread around the Banyan tree signifying longivity and fast for their husbands welfare and to marry the same man for all seven lives. The women dress up in bridal outfits and after the puja share fruits like jackfruit, mango, jamun, cashewnut and banana by offering them to a minimum of five married ladies.
In Metros today one has to search for a Banyan tree and the equality shared between couples has rendered this concept of the husband as Protecter redundant and this festval as an old folk tale.
I have seen my grandmother and mother perform this puja. The priest would come home and a branch of the Banyan tree would be brought indoors for the puja. They would fast and varieties of food would be prepared to celebrate the fasting. It was like feasting for fasting. This Peanut curry was one item which the ate with steamed Varyacha Bhat which is Hill Millet.
As for Me, many years ago may be in the first year of marriage my husband would not let me perform this ritual because he certainly believes we are friends and should remain the best of friends till our last day not worshiping one but loving and sharing the bond of marriage and friendship.

Ingredients : 

  • 100 gms peanuts coarsly ground.
  • Pinch of sugar.
  • Salt to taste.
  • Spice paste: 2green chillies, 11/2 tbsp grated fresh coconut, 1clove, 1/2inch stick cinnamon ground to a paste.
  • 2 tbsp ghee.
  • 1 tsp cummin seeds.
  • 1 dry red chilli.
Method :
  • Heat a pan and add the ghee.
  • Add the cummin seeds and red dry chilli.
  • Stir a bit and add the ground peanuts, salt and sugar.
  • After a minute add the coconut paste and stir fry.
  • Add 2 cups water and let the mixture cook for 15 to 20 mins.
  • The Peanut gravy is ready to serve with cooked Hill Millet.

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