Saturday 4 July 2015

Tal (Tadgola or Wood Apple) Kheer

"Tal Kheer" a novelty for people in Mumbai and South.
Tal is what we know as Tadgoda the summer fruit we all enjoy. This Kheer is made from the outer kernel of the tadgola shell just below the outer skin.
It should be ripe, so ripe that an orange colour fiberous matter is seen.

I have these Tal trees in my Complex in Kandivili(W), Mumbai, and like God's grace my husband found them near his parked car, on two consecutive days. He was delighted as he had tasted the kheer made by his grandmother years ago. I had no clue about the procedure. He contacted our sister-in-law, Mrs. Dipti Maitra in Kolkata and she explained the procedure.

  • 2 Tal.
  • Whole milk that has been reduced to half.
  • Sugar as per taste.
  • Dessicated or fresh coconut 2 tbsp.
  • 1 tsp elaichi powder.
  • Cut the top lid of the Tal and with your hands peel off the first layer as you peel the coconut outer fiber.
  • You will need a grater, in olden days they used a cane basket and some muslin cloth to strain.
  • You will now have an orange fruit in hand this orange portion is what we require.
  • Now separate this orange portion which is either in two or three sections by hand.
  • Grate this orange shell and then squeeze the collected pulp through a muslin cloth.  This strained pulp is what we require.
  • In a vessel take the pulp and put on a medium flame, stir a little for few seconds and then add the grated coconut. I used the dessicated coconut powder 2 tbsp. 
  • Sti,r add the milk just a little and see that the orange colour is not lost add sugar and elaichi powder . 
  • Enjoy the Kheer .
  • I tried it as a topping with Vanilla Icecream and it tasted great.
  • It was a new experience for me but sourcing the fruit is a priority.


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations for all your efforts. Taal kheer is my most favourite. But it is known as palm fruit in english. Wood apple is known as bel which is made into refreshing drinks during summers.
